Qsymia: Phentermine and topiramate: Patient drug information

Erick • May 04, 2021

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What is this drug used for?

  • It is used to help you lose weight.

What do I need to tell my doctor BEFORE I take this drug?

  • If you are allergic to this drug; any part of this drug; or any other drugs, foods, or substances. Tell your doctor about the allergy and what signs you had.
  • If you have any of these health problems: Glaucoma or overactive thyroid disease.
  • If you have or have ever had depression or thoughts of suicide.
  • If you have any of these health problems: Kidney disease or liver disease.
  • If you are taking any of these drugs: Acetazolamide, dichlorphenamide, methazolamide, or zonisamide.
  • If you have taken certain drugs for depression or Parkinson’s disease in the last 14 days. This includes isocarboxazid, phenelzine, tranylcypromine, selegiline, or rasagiline. Very high blood pressure may happen.
  • If you are taking any of these drugs: Linezolid or methylene blue.
  • If you are pregnant or may be pregnant. Do not take this drug if you are pregnant.
  • If you are breast-feeding. Do not breast-feed while you take this drug.
  • If the patient is a child. Do not give this drug to a child.
  • This is not a list of all drugs or health problems that interact with this drug.
  • Tell your doctor and pharmacist about all of your drugs (prescription or OTC, natural products, vitamins) and health problems. You must check to make sure that it is safe for you to take this drug with all of your drugs and health problems. Do not start, stop, or change the dose of any drug without checking with your doctor.

What are some things I need to know or do while I take this drug?

  • Tell all of your health care providers that you take this drug. This includes your doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and dentists.
  • Avoid driving and doing other tasks or actions that call for you to be alert until you see how this drug affects you.
  • Do not stop taking this drug all of a sudden without calling your doctor. You may have a greater risk of seizures. If you need to stop this drug, you will want to slowly stop it as ordered by your doctor.
  • Check blood pressure and heart rate as the doctor has told you.
  • Have blood work checked as you have been told by the doctor. Talk with the doctor.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol while taking this drug.
  • Talk with your doctor before you use marijuana, other forms of cannabis, or prescription or OTC drugs that may slow your actions.
  • If you have high blood sugar (diabetes) and take drugs to lower blood sugar, talk with your doctor. Weight loss may raise the chance of low blood sugar if you take drugs to lower blood sugar. Call your doctor right away if you have signs of low blood sugar like dizziness, headache, feeling sleepy, feeling weak, shaking, a fast heartbeat, confusion, hunger, or sweating.
  • If you are being treated for high blood pressure, talk with your doctor. Weight loss may raise the chance of low blood pressure in people who are treated for high blood pressure. Call your doctor right away if you have signs of low blood pressure like very bad dizziness or passing out.
  • This drug may cause an acid blood problem (metabolic acidosis). The chance may be higher in children and in people with kidney problems, breathing problems, or diarrhea. The chance may also be higher if you take certain other drugs, if you have surgery, or if you are on a ketogenic diet. Over time, metabolic acidosis can cause kidney stones, bone problems, or growth problems in children.
  • Follow the diet and workout plan that your doctor told you about.
  • Sweating less and high body temperatures have happened with this drug. Sometimes, this has led to the need for treatment in a hospital. Be careful in hot weather and while being active. Call your doctor right away if you have a fever or you do not sweat during activities or in warm temperatures.
  • If you take birth control, your monthly period (menstrual bleeding) may change while taking this drug. Talk with your doctor if this happens.
  • This drug may cause harm to the unborn baby if you take it while you are pregnant.
  • A pregnancy test will be done to show that you are NOT pregnant before starting this drug and while taking it.
  • If you may become pregnant, you must use birth control while taking this drug. If you get pregnant, call your doctor right away.

What are some side effects that I need to call my doctor about right away?

  • WARNING/CAUTION: Even though it may be rare, some people may have very bad and sometimes deadly side effects when taking a drug. Tell your doctor or get medical help right away if you have any of the following signs or symptoms that may be related to a very bad side effect:
  • Signs of an allergic reaction, like rash; hives; itching; red, swollen, blistered, or peeling skin with or without fever; wheezing; tightness in the chest or throat; trouble breathing, swallowing, or talking; unusual hoarseness; or swelling of the mouth, face, lips, tongue, or throat.
  • Signs of too much acid in the blood (acidosis) like confusion; fast breathing; fast heartbeat; a heartbeat that does not feel normal; very bad stomach pain, upset stomach, or throwing up; feeling very sleepy; shortness of breath; or feeling very tired or weak.
  • Signs of low potassium levels like muscle pain or weakness, muscle cramps, or a heartbeat that does not feel normal.
  • Signs of a urinary tract infection (UTI) like blood in the urine, burning or pain when passing urine, feeling the need to pass urine often or right away, fever, lower stomach pain, or pelvic pain.
  • Chest pain or pressure or a fast heartbeat.
  • Feeling confused, not able to focus, or change in behavior.
  • Memory problems or loss.
  • Trouble speaking.
  • Trouble sleeping.
  • Back pain, belly pain, or blood in the urine. May be signs of a kidney stone.
  • Patients who take this drug may be at a greater risk of having thoughts or actions of suicide. The risk may be greater in people who have had these thoughts or actions in the past. Call the doctor right away if signs like low mood (depression), nervousness, restlessness, grouchiness, panic attacks, or changes in mood or actions are new or worse. Call the doctor right away if any thoughts or actions of suicide occur.
  • This drug may cause very bad eye problems. If left untreated, this can lead to lasting eyesight loss. Call your doctor right away if you have new eye signs like blurred eyesight or other changes in eyesight, eye pain, or eye redness.

What are some other side effects of this drug?

  • All drugs may cause side effects. However, many people have no side effects or only have minor side effects. Call your doctor or get medical help if any of these side effects or any other side effects bother you or do not go away:
  • Headache.
  • Diarrhea or constipation.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Numbness or tingling.
  • Feeling dizzy, tired, or weak.
  • Change in taste.
  • Upset stomach.
  • Signs of a common cold.
  • Nose or throat irritation.
  • Back pain.
  • These are not all of the side effects that may occur. If you have questions about side effects, call your doctor. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects.
  • You may report side effects to your national health agency.

How is this drug best taken?

  • Use this drug as ordered by your doctor. Read all information given to you. Follow all instructions closely.
  • Take this drug early in the day to prevent sleep problems.
  • Take with or without food.
  • Drink lots of noncaffeine liquids unless told to drink less liquid by your doctor.

What do I do if I miss a dose?

  • Skip the missed dose and go back to your normal time.
  • Do not take 2 doses at the same time or extra doses.

How do I store and/or throw out this drug?

  • Store at room temperature in a dry place. Do not store in a bathroom.
  • Keep lid tightly closed.
  • Store this drug in a safe place where children cannot see or reach it, and where other people cannot get to it. A locked box or area may help keep this drug safe. Keep all drugs away from pets.
  • Throw away unused or expired drugs. Do not flush down a toilet or pour down a drain unless you are told to do so. Check with your pharmacist if you have questions about the best way to throw out drugs. There may be drug take-back programs in your area.

General drug facts

  • If your symptoms or health problems do not get better or if they become worse, call your doctor.
  • Do not share your drugs with others and do not take anyone else’s drugs.
  • Some drugs may have another patient information leaflet. If you have any questions about this drug, please talk with your doctor, nurse, pharmacist, or other health care provider.
  • If you think there has been an overdose, call your poison control center or get medical care right away. Be ready to tell or show what was taken, how much, and when it happened.

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Perder peso puede ser un desafío, especialmente cuando los métodos tradicionales no brindan los resultados deseados. Si estás luchando por perder peso y mejorar tu salud, el balón gástrico puede ser una opción adecuada. En este artículo, exploraremos los beneficios y la efectividad del balón gástrico, incluido el balón gástrico Orbera, como un enfoque no quirúrgico para la pérdida de peso. Descubre cómo este procedimiento puede ayudarte a alcanzar tus objetivos de pérdida de peso y mejorar tu bienestar en general. Entendiendo el Balón Gástrico: ¿Qué es? El balón gástrico es un procedimiento no quirúrgico para la pérdida de peso que implica la colocación de un dispositivo similar a un globo en el estómago para promover la sensación de saciedad y reducir la ingesta de alimentos. El balón gástrico Orbera es una opción popular entre los balones gástricos. Se inserta en el estómago a través de un procedimiento endoscópico y permanece en su lugar durante un período específico, generalmente seis meses. ¿Cómo Ayuda el Balón Gástrico en la Pérdida de Peso? El balón gástrico funciona ocupando espacio en el estómago, reduciendo su capacidad y promoviendo una sensación de saciedad con comidas más pequeñas. Esto conduce a una disminución en la ingesta de calorías y puede ayudar a las personas a lograr la pérdida de peso. El balón también ayuda a ralentizar el proceso de digestión, permitiendo que las personas se sientan satisfechas durante períodos más largos. Los Beneficios del Balón Gástrico Orbera: El balón gástrico Orbera ofrece varios beneficios para la pérdida de peso, que incluyen: - Enfoque no quirúrgico: A diferencia de las cirugías para bajar de peso, el balón gástrico Orbera no requiere incisiones ni alteraciones en el sistema digestivo. - Procedimiento reversible: El balón se puede retirar fácilmente después del período recomendado, lo que permite a las personas volver a sus hábitos alimentarios normales. - Pérdida de peso efectiva: Estudios clínicos han demostrado que el balón gástrico Orbera puede ayudar a las personas a perder una cantidad significativa de peso, generalmente alrededor del 10-15% de su peso corporal total. - Mejora de la salud en general: La pérdida de peso lograda con el balón gástrico Orbera se ha asociado con mejoras en condiciones como el hígado graso, la hipertensión arterial y la diabetes. Abordando el Hígado Graso y Otros Trastornos Gastrointestinales: Además de ayudar en la pérdida de peso, el balón gástrico también puede tener un impacto positivo en la salud gastrointestinal. El hígado graso es una condición común asociada con la obesidad, y la pérdida de peso lograda con el balón gástrico puede ayudar a reducir la grasa hepática y mejorar la función hepática. El balón gástrico también puede ser beneficioso para personas con otros trastornos gastrointestinales, ya que promueve el control de las porciones y hábitos alimentarios más saludables. En conclusión, el balón gástrico, especialmente el balón gástrico Orbera, ofrece una opción no quirúrgica para personas que luchan por perder peso. Este procedimiento puede ayudar a las personas a lograr una pérdida de peso significativa y mejorar su salud en general. Además, puede abordar condiciones como el hígado graso y otros trastornos gastrointestinales. Si estás considerando una solución para la pérdida de peso, consulta con un profesional de la salud para determinar si el balón gástrico es la opción adecuada para ti. Fuentes: 1. Mayo Clinic. (2021). Gastric Balloon. Recuperado de https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/gastric-balloon/about/pac-20393567 2. Orbera. (2021). The Orbera Gastric Balloon. Recuperado de https://www.orbera.com/ 3. Mayo Clinic. (2021). Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Recuperado de https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/nonalcoholic-fatty-liver-disease/symptoms-causes/syc-2035456
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